Sunderland M&S closure another nail in the coffin for city centre
Lib Dems urge Council bosses to do everything possible to keep M&S in the city centre.
Councillor Paul Edgeworth
Paul Edgeworth was born and bred in Sunderland and works for CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale. Paul is leader of the opposition Liberal Democrats group on Sunderland City Council, fighting for a fair deal for local people and holding Sunderland Labour's Council bosses to account.
💻 cllr.paul.edgeworth@sunderland.gov.uk
☎️ 07435 753950
Councillor Margaret Crosby
Margaret Crosby spent decades working as a teacher in primary schools across Sunderland, and more recently has been a carer for a family member. Margaret is a keen cook, baker, gardener and takes an interest in local history. She was elected as councillor for Grindon, Hastings Hill, Springwell and Thorney Close in 2019. Margaret is always out and about working to keep the community clean and tidy. She has successfully campaigned to roll-out more lifesaving defibrillators across the city.
💻 cllr.margaret.crosby@sunderland.gov.uk
☎️ 07810 056486
Councillor Stephen O'Brien
Stephen O'Brien was elected as the first ever Lib Dem councillor for Grindon, Hastings Hill, Springwell and Thorney Close, winning a sensational by-election victory in January 2017 - the first time anyone had ever beaten Labour in this area. Since then, Stephen has worked tirelessly to improve services for his community and to stop bad decisions and wasteful spending by the Labour-run Council. Stephen takes a keen interest in providing more social and council housing, having grown up in Pennywell before his family home was demolished by Labour's council bosses.
💻 cllr.stephen.o'brien@sunderland.gov.uk
☎️07788 190210
Lib Dems urge Council bosses to do everything possible to keep M&S in the city centre.
Residents in Thorney Close have welcomed news that Sunderland Council “will no longer proceed” with plans to convert the last pub on the estate into a hostel for homeless people with complex needs.
Council must inform and involve families every step of the way as new property to replace short breaks at Grace House announced, say Lib Dems
Lib Dems are urging Sunderland Council bosses to save ‘Free After 3’ parking instead of axing it in the new year.
Liberal Democrat councillor for Millfield, Thornhill and the city centre Niall Hodson celebrates the news Tesco wants to open a new Express store just outside The Bridges.
The new southern entrance to Sunderland railway station is just a huge, empty glass box with a couple of seats in, leaving people wondering what all the fuss is about, say Lib Dems